Onion Sets and Early Potatoes

Time for planting onion sets and chitting potatoes.


Onion sets are basically partly grown onions – but most gardeners find them so much easier and quicker to grow that they buy these tiny onion bulbs, plant them in February – or as soon as the ground is workable – and by June they have usually grown into good size onions ready to eat.

Egg trays are ideal for storing onions until you are ready to plant them – and also for ‘chitting’ potatoes  – this means putting them in a light, frost free place rose end upwards so they can begin to sprout while you wait for the right time for planting.

No-one ever really explained to me what the ‘rose end’ of a potato was but I have eventually discovered that it’s the opposite end to the ‘stalk’ end – where the potato was attached to the mother plant.  So one end will have one mark with sometimes a tiny bit of stalk attached –and the other end with several marks where the new sprouts (chits) will grow from.  Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to tell the difference – but if you put them out in trays, they will begin to sprout –and you can soon see whether you have put them the right way up!


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